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Writing Ruminations

Writing is such an internal process. Why not make those private ruminations public? This is how stories take shape and grow.

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Location: Happy Valley, Oregon, United States

I've been supporting myself as a writer for many years and am watching the changes in the publishing world with fascination. For me, sharing the craft, teaching, is as creatively satisfying as the writing process itself.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Seattle Signing...Next in Cyrillic?

I had a lovely time in Seattle, signing with Louise Marley at University Books. The best thing was the weather. It was not snowing or doing freezing rain or even regular rain. So it was actually a nice drive. And I came home to some very nice fan mail, including a request to purchase reprint rights to 'Search Engine' my Analog story from last year, for 'Esli', a Russian SF magazine. I'm thrilled. That expands the 'other languages' portion of my bookshelf. I don't have any Russian reprints yet. (Polish, German, and French, so far).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, man. Congratski! We obviously weren't paying attention or we would have come out to see you both. Let us know next time you're in town and Elizabeth and I can join you at Mashiko (which is right here in the 'hood).

11:39 AM  
Blogger Planet Heidi said...

Argh! You came to Seattle? Damn, I wish I woulda known. Haven't seen you since Scavenging.

7:05 PM  

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